I've never been benevolent, every time I did something seemingly altruistic was because I had something to gain. Whether it be tangible or the pleasure of calling myself a good person and a responsible and civic citizen. My conversations at work about sexism and gender roles are motivated by the fact that I am a woman and I stand to benefit. I can now ask senior male colleagues to make me a cup of coffee and get one without much ado. Paraphrasing WAP: " I don't cook, I don't clean but I got a man " Let the patriarchy suck on that! Quite honestly, I was simply tired of hearing the homophobic and/or Christian centered narrative anytime anything gay came up. I know my "Jesus before good morning" folks haven't changed their views on the LGTBQI+ community but they have certainly changed the way they speak about them, at least in my presence; one person's sexual orientation has nothing ...