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The World Hates Black People

 Before you come at me with the world is a mirror bullshit and what I see is a reflection of who I am rhetoric, read this article by Duff who articulates far more eloquently than I am bothered to say, why you're very wrong. To quote the author "The world is not our mirror–the world is the world." and "Other people have their own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reasons for doing things, personality styles, and personal histories. Other people make their own decisions, which means I cannot force anyone to love me, or want to be in a relationship with me."

Merriame-Webster dictionary defines racism as follows:

1 a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2a a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b a political or social system founded on racism

3 racial prejudice or discrimination

If the worst thing you've experienced when it comes to race is being called racist, chill. That's the least of it all. Yes, I really do think the world does hate black people, there's no other way to explain the on goings. From systematic oppression to paying your house help a "living" wage that wouldn't cover one trip to the grocery store, you all really hate black people. Yes, I said it, the world hates black people.

I'm sorry Ed Sheeran, I'm can't fall in love with a Galway girl because according to the Irish Times, black people aren't welcome, from passive "ignorant racism" to being beaten whilst passerbys ignore it. Expect racist slurs to be shouted at you whilst walking down the street and in the case of a Congolese engineer, Belmondo Wantete, your house to be raided by gardai at three in the morning. We've known, it's a fact, white people hate black people. I mean, slavery. Need I say more. Come on white people, really? All Lives Matter? Really?

Europeans, by the gods, Europeans really hate black people. The Greeks "secretly" turning away refugees and abandoning them in the Atlantic. I'm not even going to touch on the British and Brexit or the French and colonial tax. The United States of America... Need I say more?

Brown people! Brown people hate black people. In India, the caste system. In an interview Arundhati Roy states that "Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” When Dalits say #dalitlivesmatter, don't gaslight them with #asianlivesmatter. Ghandi, Ghandi brought the British empire to it's knees by refusing to eat, that guy too, he hated black people.

In China? A sign displayed at a McDonald's in Guangzhou, China, read "black people are not allowed to enter". A measure aimed at curbing the spread of the Corona virus, what the actual fuck? The State response? Racism doesn't exist in China. Get the fuck out of here!

Admittedly, I know little about the on-goings of race and race-relations in Latin America. All I know is, Colombia is calling my name, I want to dance Salsa with my friend Alejandro in Cali, the real salsa capital of the world, soon. Damned Miss Rona!  Oh yes and there are no black people in the telenovelas. According to these articles, here and here, racism and classism  are alive and well there too. Black people are poorer and it's inter generational.

Cry for Africa, cry Africa. Let's face facts black people, they ALL hate us.

If the world is a mirror, when black people see hatred reflected back to them, it's hard not to internalize it. The legacy of colonialism and apartheid in Africa is evident in African culture and consciousness. Christianity white washed African spirituality and called it witchcraft.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land." -Desmond Tutu

In South Africa for example, there's xenophobia from Black South Africans towards Nigerians and Africans from other African countries #PutSouthAfricaFirst. According to the BEE programme, Chinese people are black. I mean? Er? Put  local South Africans first, sure... More like put local South Africans after the white man, the coloured, the Indian, basically put everyone before him except fellow Africans. 

Kwame Nkrumah imagined a Pan African State, Burna Boy dreams of his children owning not a Nigerian but an African passport.

Kwame Nkrumah is famously quoted saying 'I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.' Dear White Africans, you're African because you were born on the continent. I'll be the last person to peddle the "go back to Europe" agenda. You're African, act the part. From corporate governance culture, to letting go of "white supremacy". I know you're afraid of "loosing" everything, so you hog and hold onto the ideals passed on by your parents. Imagine, you actually did lose it all, starting from nothing. 

You're not racist, there are black people that attend your church. You're not racist, your house help is black and you treat her "nicely", you're not racist. You're not guilty of the crimes of your grandfathers, you're just reaping the rewards and perpetuating the system. Oh, you're not racist, because let's not forget about your black friend. Ya'll hate black people, admit it!

"I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the full menu of rights."-Desmond Tutu

The most heart breaking thing about the world hating black people are the African politicians. They really hate black people, these post-colonial leaders. The African Union is a toothless, spineless and incompetent body. They watched and let Sudan for decades, be torn apart, the AU is right now,letting slaves be sold in broad daylight in Libya. The Central African Republic atrocities, Nigeria, Ethiopia, the DRC and on and on and on.

SADC is even worse. A beautiful ideal on paper but really a tyrant's club. These politicians sleep well at night, with air conditioning on and refuse to intervene and stand up for what is right and the people. Namibia's statement to the human right's violation's in Zimbabwe, it would've been better to not have said anything at all. #ZimbabweanLivesMatter. South African president, Ramaphosa's dispatch of envoys to Zimbabwe is laughable and only a reaction to the grassroots campaign.

African politicians are looting the continent, enriching themselves and selling her off to the highest bidder. The general populous live in abject poverty, without access to basic services like water and health care. Corruption in African countries is hindering economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth, good governance and basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech or citizens’ right to hold governments to account.

How else would you characterize this? If not, hatred, what would you call it? If we cannot, even be loved in our home, in Africa, where are we safe? No one will help you, start helping yourself. They hate us, it's a statement of fact.


  1. Yup... stay in Colombia. The reason why Argentinians are so Caucasian is cause they put up systems that killed off a huge number of the black population. It’s a mess.

    1. Systems?! Whoa, thank you, I'll definitely be doing more reading on this.


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