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To the lost, broken and forgotten

If you feel lost or do not know which way to go
If you don't know who you are anymore or maybe never got the chance to get to know yourself
You can't recognize the person in the mirror
You lost yourself along the way
Maybe you morphed into someone else
Maybe for someone else
You don't know which way is up or whether you are coming or going
Maybe you are at a crossroad

If you're forgotten
No one sees you, the unshakeable pillar of strength that has no one to lean on
Maybe they left you behind
Or realized how truly alone you are when you stopped calling and no one called you

If you are shattered
Your pieces so small it's impossible to mold yourself back together
The person you once were completely erased

You're not alone
7 billion people on the planet, someone on the other side of the world understands
You're understood
You're not okay, that's okay
You're broken
You don't have to pull yourself back together
You can stop the charade
You don't owe the world one more plastic smile

Maybe it gets better but maybe it never does
Maybe it keeps on getting worse and the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train
Maybe it will take you a lifetime for a genuine smile to grace your face
Maybe there's no silver lining

I hope you learn to smile as endless tears stream down your face
I hope you feel the sun on your skin when you feel frozen cold inside
I hope you dance as your world is crashing down around you

I hope you live


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