Petty is as petty does. I'm always wishing people well, praying they are happy. When you genuinely care about someone you want everything to go well for them, regardless of whether or not they're in your life.
I'm going to be petty for a moment and wish them all misery. I'll repent later.
It hurts to let go of people who I thought would be around forever. I'm nothing like Sam Smith, I goodbyes are difficult. I'm clingy asf, and letting go, is an extreme sport. Here's to everyone who has walked away or I walked away from!
I hope you miss me. I hope you never move on from me, ever!
I hope you think of me often.
I hope you think of me often.
I hope you never find someone who loves you like I did. I don't know if you'll find a friend more true than I was. I poured out my life for you and you took it all for granted. I pray karma does her worst. I hope you remember me when you need a friend, you'll want to pick up the phone and call but you won't. You'll choke and suffocate on your pride. I thought we were soul mates, you saw a door mat.
I hope you never move on and be happy, without me. I want you to remain in love with me for the rest of your life. I hope the girl you marry will know she comes second to me, I hope she makes your life miserable.
I hope shes' psychotic and drives you up the wall, drives you certifiably insane. You've always been attracted to them crazy bitches, I pray you get exactly what you want.
Stop texting me, I'll never reply. I know you'll always want me back.
Stop texting me, I'll never reply. I know you'll always want me back.
When I run into you, I see you, unhappy. I've heard the stories, you're a wreck, I'm not saying it's a good thing, I'm not saying I am happy you're miserable, I'm just saying I don't care anymore.
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