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About Me

A significant number of people have been assuming things about me and its getting annoying. Random facts and statements to set some of the record straight. And then some...

1. Christian because Jesus
2. Feminist
3. Writer/blogger
4. Pro-LGTBI+
5. I heart the color black
6. Attachment Style: dismissive avoidant
7. I love fruits
8. Cheese and avos are from the devil's workshop
9. Morality exists outside of religion
10. I hated law school, let's never talk about it again!
11. I know I'm beautiful, get over it!
12. I don't wear pants in the house
13. Three word vulgar vocab: fuck, bitch and damn.
14. Organised chaos and I like it that way
15. Two types of people in this world: The ones I love and idiots
16. Love is worth the risk, with the right person, who is a unicorn
17. Beach please!
18. Insomiac
19. Chronically clinically depressed
20. Insecure about my weight, sometimes
21. Almost always guaranteed to tell the truth.
22. Lemons give me life
23. Best aunt in the whole wide world!!
24. I love my job!!
25 .Still growing, learning and unlearning
26. #MenAreTrash
27. Jesus loves you
28. Plans for world domination on schedule
29. Bibliophile
30. "You're my favourite notification "
31. Pineapples DO go on pizza
32. #MeToo


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