This week I ran into a girl, no, a woman, I haven't seen in 4 or 5 years and it was love at first sight all over again.
As I sat across from and stared at her I remembered why I was so infatuated with her, why I've always been madly in love her. I haven't thought about her since we lost touch but in the name of all things holy, it was like we never parted. The instant connection of our souls was magical. She's always been my best friend and I, her number one fan. She's still beautiful, even more so now. Lol, she actually wears clothes that fit now.
She's always been intelligent, I loved hearing her thoughts, the space between her ears is where I made my home years ago. And she's grown! She's so mature now, a lot more worldly wise than I ever thought her capable. A bit cynical but ever the hopeful dreamer.
My favourite thing about her has always been her capacity to empathize, now she's even more compassionate. My God, has it made her that much more desirable!
I didn't realise I needed her, how much I missed her till she smiled at me smiling at her. And her laughter, it's beautiful. I'm mesmerized by the way she throws her head back and clutches her belly, I can't get enough of her.
Her journey has not been easy, her life has not been a walk in the park but for the first time in forever I recognize her strength and as I gazed into her beautiful eyes, I could see that she loved me too. She's always loved me, she just forgot how to.
Its been so long since I've laid eyes on her, its been forever and a day since I saw who exactly was reflected back at me in the mirror. I saw her through the eyes of others, their perspective clouding my sight.
Maybe I've never truly seen her, who she really is but the glimpses I see now, I feel like I'm finding her again and anew. It's intoxicating! I'm in love and it's all consuming.
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