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Political: I didn't vote in the last election

I'm not very proud of the fact that I didn't vote in the last election  but if I had to redo it again, I'd still not vote.

The question wasn't who was going to win but by what majority percentage SWAPO was going to win by.  I rationalised, one vote didn't matter. A contradiction to the motto I spew when I try to make a difference in the world, especially when it's microscopic; "every rain drop raises the sea"  is what I always say. Clearly my vote counts, every vote counts but does it matter?

I was born after independence, born free. I hereby claim the status of ignorance, ingratitude and willfulness that the older generation attribute to my generation. For all intent and purposes, this will be my justification for anything stupid I may say.

If we are being realistic, the next SWAPO President will become the Head of State, so let's not pretend that the internal ongoings of SWAPO does not directly affect us.

I'm not even going to tell you what I think of the  presidential candidates. Because 1) I don't follow the news well enough to have an properly informed opinion. 2) It doesn't take a genius to figure out that as long as the status quo is maintained, we as citizens don't really care. The previously advantaged (*cough* white *cough*) people are still advantaged; the previously disadvantaged are kept in line by oppresive peace and stability mantras. And 3) my dad would kill me.

My parents are ovawambo, war veterans and like all their kin, they're loyal to SWAPO, FNB and MTC.
I understand their loyalty to SWAPO, my parents sacrificed their lives and youth in service to their country under the SWAPO banner. I understand their loyalty to MTC, despite the fact that we all know TN Mobile provides better internet services. MTC is like your first love, they'll always hold a special place in your heart. I resent their loyalty to FNB, my mother made me stand in a queue for 3 hours at the Ondangwa Branch in the smoldering heat because she refuses to pay the bank fees to transfer money to a different bank. I'll never forget walking past the Standard bank branch, so empty and well ventilated, to join the FNB queue which spilled over to the outside. Such loyalty, God bless my parents. I digress to state that we are creatures of habit, we stick to what we know.

What we know is the older generation lead us to independence, they rid the country of  apartheid. They are the only goverment we know. That is why all the presidential candidates are war veterans, why they are all old. These youngins can't be trusted, clearly the guerilla combat skills needed to fight in the trenches are the exact requirements needed for creating national development goals.

There's a generational gap that should've been breached by open dialogue and mentorship. If the youth is still viewed as too young too lead, still the far off future, what will happen to us when our elders pass on, may they live forever.

I'm disheartened by the fact that the message from our elders to the youth is to stay out of things, we're too young they say, too rowdy they claim, inexperienced  and uncomprehending. The few that dare to get involved are vilified, why should we bother? It's only our future that's on the line.
Is there even a succession plan or are we just winging it?


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