Urban Dictionary
Adulting (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups.
I know it's part of the millennial trademark to complain about adulting and pat ourselves on the back when we do everyday tasks needed for survival like cooking a meal, doing laundry but we are really doing ourselves a disservice when we put up such posts on social media. Your biggest achievement to date is not doing your laundry, you are a highly competent legal researcher for Parliament;hashtag the career advancing moves instead. It's ironic how un-ironically we ironically use the term adulting.
Being an adult is hard, learning to handle the challenges that come with this stage in our lives may take a few tries and plenty perseverance;however we are doing it and doing it fairly well. Even when we don't feel like #ADULTING we do, we get up and show up.
You're an adult, it's time you start seeing yourself that way. You're a capable, competent human being. I know we may not have life figured out. We do so many things that are actual adult tasks without thinking; working a job you don't love so you can pay your own rent, going back to school to do a different major, going to graduate school, raising a family, marriage, being a responsible 8-5er, helping out friends and siblings, taking care of our aging parents, taking regular showers...
It's time to transform our perception of ourselves and see that we really are adults. If there's a skill you need to learn and you do, that is what grown ups do, which you're.
I love to complain and nothing is as satisfying as a twitter rant but if we are honest we have bigger problems in our lives than vacuuming; for example my dad has cancer it really doesn't matter if the carpet is vacuumed in the bigger scheme of things, I'll still vacuum...
It's time we refocused our energy and redirected our thoughts on our passions and purpose, it's time to think about what a life well lived means to us. You only have one life, live it best you can. Spending time and energy feeling incompetent hinders growth, you're capable of so much more.
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