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Showing posts from July, 2017

Adulting: We're Adults

Urban Dictionary Adulting (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups. I know it's part of the millennial trademark to complain about adulting and pat ourselves on the back when we do everyday tasks needed for survival like cooking a meal, doing laundry but we are really doing ourselves a disservice when we put up such posts on social media. Your biggest achievement to date is not doing your laundry, you are a highly competent legal researcher for Parliament;hashtag the career advancing moves instead. It's ironic how un-ironically we ironically use the term adulting. Being an adult is hard, learning to handle the challenges that come with this stage in our lives may take a few tries and plenty perseverance;however we are doing it and doing it fairly well. Even when we don't feel like #ADULTING we do, we get up and show up. You're an adult, it's ...

Purely Platonic:Just Friends

Can men and women just be friends? That is an apparently hard question to answer. Can two single, relatively attractive people of the opposite sex just be friends and nothing more? The answer to this question from my personal experience is I don't know, maybe?  Word of caution, if you're interested in dating one of the two friends, look closely, very closely. Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point. Once upon a time on a university campus in Windhoek there was a girl who met a guy. The girl and guy somehow became friends, the girl doesn't remember how. They were both involved in campus ministry, they saw each other most days of the week and they both went to the same non-denominational bible study in the park on Saturdays. They called and texted each other all the time, the girl liked they guy very much and suspected that the guy liked her too. However they guy never made a move and soon the girl grew disillusioned, maybe the guy didn't like her like that...

The Twentysomething Awakening: Random Thoughts

Last week when a senior colleague asked me when I'm going to get married and have kids, I said something that made me take pause. I said I can't even imagine having kids when I still feel like a kid myself. PAUSE, I'm in my late twenties, why do I still feel like a kid?  I did what every millennial would, I googled it... Apparently, it's a  thing. For some people, it's  psychological thing, adults with careers, kids, houses and spouses who feel like they are playing house and not grown up enough for these responsibilities. For others, they are literal children in adults bodies with mum and dad taking care of them. Apparently there's a generation (or a portion thereof) that refuses to grow up, no  mortgage, no marriage, no children and definitely no career plan. Crazy right? I feel like a kid playing grown up, the only thing I've checked off on the grown up list is a career, no mortgage, spouse or kids. This is such a first world problem though. Why ...